Facebook Advertising | Blocked Accounts and Blocked Ads for No Reason

Facebook advertising is not designed for real businesses; it is designed for small business of less than 10 people where each person doing the advertising must use their personal Facebook account. This design is so terrible and so not scalable. This means your employees have to use their personal profiles before they can be part of your marketing team.

An Anti-trust lawsuit should be launched against Facebook for this practice where users are forced to have an account before they can do Facebook advertising. In addition, employees who work for businesses who do Facebook advertising must always use their personal accounts at work (and most people don’t want their personal lives mixed with their work). Moreover, users may not want to have a facebook account in which case they can’t perform marketing duties. This whole setup is clearly a violation of anti-trust laws.

I had the mis-fortune of dealing with some stupid idiots to deal with one of staff’s account being restricted and unable to post up ads; first they promised to call me and when they did they made sure the phone rang only once and they hung up so that you will see a missed call record. After finally getting through a moron called Bianca (who has absolutely no authority do anything); she just kept posting standard replies to all my questions. She told me that we had violated some facebook ads protocol and when I asked her which one she could not tell me…. What a fucking waste of time?

Notice how their communications never tell you which ad violated which rule…. The other big issue is that we have been running the same ads for a long time and out of the blue the person’s account gets restricted.

How are large corporations supposed to run Facebook ads? I think China did the right thing by blocking Facebook; I support the boycott and blocking of Facebook.